The EU goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80–95 % by 2050 has serious implications for
our energy system. We need to be far more energy efficient. About two thirds of our energy should
come from renewable sources. Electricity production needs to be almost emission-free, despite
higher demand. Our energy system has not yet been designed to deal with such challenges. By
2050, it must be transformed. Only a new energy model will make our system secure, competitive
and sustainable in the long-run.
The year 2050 seems a long way off. Today, public deficits, jobs and pensions seem more important
than future energy needs. Yet by investing in our energy system, we create jobs, businesses and
prosperity. Less energy wastage and lower fossil fuel imports strengthen our economy. Early action
saves money later. The roadmap will allow Member States to make the required energy choices
and create a stable business climate for private investment, especially until 2030.
The roadmap confirms that our low-carbon goal is economically feasible. All the scenarios reach it
with no major differences in overall costs or security of supply implications.
We can draw three key lessons from the roadmap. First, we need to act quickly. Our energy
networks are aging and need billions of euros of investment. The current investment cycle must be
the one which transforms Europe’s energy system. If not, we will be locked into higher emissions
for decades.
Second, EU policies take us in the right direction, but our system is changing too slowly. We need
to intensify our efforts beyond 2020 with a new policy framework, including milestones for 2030.
Finally, the costs and disruption will be much less if Europe acts together, in solidarity, in a common
energy market. Alongside this energy roadmap, I am publishing the full impact assessment and
results of all 2050 scenarios prepared for the Commission.
This is the first time that the Commission has analysed energy trends over such an extended
period. The task is full of uncertainties, and the results are not a ‘forecast’ or ‘recipe’ for future
policies. I offer the roadmap to Member States, Europe’s institutions, industry and citizens to feed
into the debate on how to put in place the policies, milestones and instruments to deliver our longer
term goals: energy security, sustainability and competitiveness.
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